I was in an Onyxia 25 today we had 4 healers (3 Paladins and 2 Priests) we decided that the healing comp wasn't really great, so one Priest logged a shaman DPS and another Paladin logged a Druid Healer, one of the Ret paladins swapped spec, about half way through P1 I realise he's being tailwhipped to shit and pulling 500 HPS, Now HPS isn't everything granted. What's starting to throughly annoy me is the amount of f**ktarded Paladins i'm seeing starting to attempt healing and the arrogance of them aswell. Thing is, that took alot of effort, time, money and well reading of stats and ways to improve my self. I leveld as prot but at 80 went holy and started to learn as quick as possible, i was raiding within two weeks in PVP gear and slowly got into a good raiding guild. Now, I've only been playing a Paladin since WoLK release.